The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders S1 E58

The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders S1 E58

In this conversation, Heather interviews Ilona Phillips, a psychotherapist and group practice owner, about eating disorders and their impact on parents and teenagers. Ilona specializes in working with adults with eating disorders, but also provides guidance to parents who are trying to help their children. They discuss the challenges faced by college students with eating disorders, the influence of social media on eating disorders, the lack of education and awareness about eating disorders in schools and the healthcare system, and the difficulties in accessing affordable treatment. Ilona emphasizes the importance of early intervention, open communication, and re-nourishing the brain in the recovery process. The conversation explores the challenges of recovery from an eating disorder, including the need to feel emotions, rebuilding identity, and taking the leap for recovery. Relapse is discussed as a common occurrence, but also as an opportunity for learning and growth. The conversation also touches on the role of trauma and genetics in the development of eating disorders, as well as the importance of not using the illness as a crutch. The denial of illness by parents and the impact of living with a parent with an eating disorder are also addressed. Takeaways

  • Eating disorders can affect people of all genders, races, and ethnicities, and it is important to be aware of the additional stigma and pressure faced by men and boys with eating disorders.
  • Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on eating disorders, depending on the content and accounts followed. It is crucial to be mindful of the messages and influences on social media.
  • The healthcare system and education system often lack sufficient education and resources for identifying and treating eating disorders. There is a need for more specialized training for medical professionals and educators.
  • Parents should trust their instincts and look out for changes in behavior, eating patterns, and mood in their children. Early intervention and open communication are key in addressing eating disorders.
  • Accessing affordable and effective treatment for eating disorders can be challenging due to the broken healthcare system and lack of insurance coverage. Advocacy and seeking out specialized providers are important steps in finding appropriate care. Recovery from an eating disorder is a long and complicated road that requires feeling emotions and rebuilding identity.
  • Relapse is a common occurrence in recovery, but it can also be an opportunity for learning and growth.
  • Trauma and genetics can play a role in the development of eating disorders.
  • It is important not to use the illness as a crutch and to take ownership of one's recovery.
  • Living with a parent with an eating disorder can present unique challenges in recovery.
  • Denial of illness by parents can hinder the recovery process.